
Friday, August 27, 2010

Office Transformation

When is a plain old office not a plain old office? When some-one brings in a spray of orchids!

I had a meeting at Newlands Community Centre yesterday morning. It wasn't a plain old meeting, since the purpose was to start to get familiar with the silk paints I'm hoping to use with the Arabic Women's group there. The manager was called away just as I arrived. She apologised for keeping me waiting, but she had brought in a lovely spray of Cymbidium orchids to decorate the reception desk. No apology required! I had my camera with me, so I was fully and happily occupied taking photos of these incredible flowers. The subtleties of colour and shape had me entranced. I'm always amazed at how substantial some flowers are. And the orchids make no apology for their purpose in life--it's all about attraction and reproduction!