
Monday, May 9, 2011

Launch Today

Today's the day of the Arabic Women's Community Quilt launch. I woke with that thought in mind, and honestly, it's hard to stop smiling! Yesterday I did all the fiddly finishing off things--all except for a final dusting off. There's no point trying to get rid of the last bit of dust on anything at my house. It's dust central here. I also prepared a spool of thread in each of the main colours in the quilt and a couple of needles in case we need any emergency repairs. That's an extra precaution to make me feel super-safe, because really it's all ready to go.
Today the quilt will be displayed in one of the community rooms where the launch will be held. Later it will be hung in the main foyer area where people move through to all of the Neighbourhood House rooms. Did I happen to mention how excited I am! It's still a couple of hours until I head off to the Neighbourhood House to help get things ready and the launch proper isn't until 12.00. I will take some slow steady breaths and relax my smile as I think about what's coming. One of the women who participated in the project is going to speak. The Mayor is coming, as is a photographer from the local paper. I'm thrilled that all those local community honours are to be paid to these women who expect so little in terms of public recognition and contribute so much in so many ways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear how it went :)