Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Colour Challenge
Monday, May 30, 2011
Capsicum Done
I've got a feeling that saying "enough" is going to be one of my significant challenges in the next few weeks. I'm going to have to distinguish carefully between tasks that are exercises to demonstrate or practice a particular aspect of work and tasks that are to be developed into something of exhibition quality. Otherwise I'll go nuts!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
In case you're wondering, I caught the train to school on Friday. It takes about the same amount of time as it does to drive. It probably costs about the same, by the time I factor in petrol and parking. The stress of peak hour traffic and the crowded train probably cancel each other out. The major benefit is time to knit. As an added bonus I bumped into my friend R on the platform at Flinders St station on my way home. We called her mum on the mobile and stopped off for a quick meal of pizzas at the Lebanese Bakery. I was home by about 6.00pm all fed and ready for an early night.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
My first task is to list and price a box of handspun skeins for my friend E who is coming to pick them up for her shop. Next week they will be nicely established at House of Cloth in Bendigo. Then I have my stuff from last week's activities to put away. There's also some more spinning and knitting hovering on the horizon. Hopefully I can catch up with that before it reaches the vanishing point. . . .
Friday, May 27, 2011
Better Now
Friday Flurry
Meanwhile I've got several projects just about ready to hand in and several more on the go. The kitchen table is a mess of fibre and books. I need to pick out the things to take to school before I pack my bag.
The capsicum project is still evolving. Yesterday I bought a string of tiny freshwater pearls to serve as capsicum seeds. I won't have time to stitch them in this morning, but I wanted to at least have a look at how they might sit. After eating my toast I sliced open one of my "specimens" while I was waiting for my coffee to brew. Grrrr . . . I was going to add a picture of my capsicum dissection, but I can't get the picture button to work. I seem to be having a fair bit of trouble with my various editing tools lately . . . I'm going to have to leave it there and try again when I get home.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Shibori Silk
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Light and Shade
I don't think I can bear another full day of World History. I have some sewing to do as well as the drawing. Maybe if I break it up a bit more it will be easier to manage. Meanwhile I'll follow my usual prescription for sanity: another cup of coffee and a few minutes spinning and I'll see how I feel after that.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Another Finish
Despite what felt like an eternity of stitches-200 of them--it was a little shorter than I wanted. It's a while since I've made one of these sideways scarves. I must've used bigger needles last time. And yes it would seem logical to write down what I've done each time I make a scarf, but there are so many of them and each one its different--that's half the fun. And what seems "long enough" one day might turn out to be "a bit too short for what I want" another day. In any case, adding a couple of little stripes on the end provided a bit more interest and finished the scarf off beautifully.
By the way, can you see the difference in loft between the blue yarn and the multi-coloured one? It was actually the same fleece and exactly the same spinning. I flattened the multi-coloured one into a slightly felted yarn when I over-handled it to get all those interesting colours. Learning from that experience, I was extra specially gentle when I dyed the blue.
Monday, May 23, 2011
For those of you who are keeping track of my stack of assignments . . . this is one of seven for my history subject. I completed two last week. I have two others nearly finished and two yet to start. If I put in as good an effort this week as I did last week, I'll be well on the way to a comfortable end of semester. I only have two assignments for my drawing subject--and of course a folio of drawings. I'd better get back to work.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Spin a Sky
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Time and Place
--two Melbourne city daily papers and the local weekly paper. I still have lots of questions and possibilities to explore, but I guess that's what it's all about.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Shibori Experiments
I've got a suitcase full of books and samples for my class talk this morning. I've chosen to wear my biggest watch--I really will need to keep an eye on the time, there's so much wonderful material to share.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Problem Solving
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Conflict Management
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Daily Challenge
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Now Knitting
Sick Day Blog
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Old Friends, New Friends
I've been concentrating hard for an hour or so, needle-weaving in small scale. It's mostly plain weave, but I had a go at a tiny bit of twill--that reminds me why multi-shaft looms were invented. Counting threads, even for a little while is just not fun. I'm pretty happy with what I've made though, and I can't wait to show it off tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Small, Soft, Warm
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Here It Is
Here is the quilt:
The formal part of the day went smoothly. I was especially glad when M, one of the women in the group, spoke about her experience of immigration and the significance of the quilt. Then it was time to eat--and eat--and eat. Our guests went home with piles of food for their collegues who had to stay back minding the office. There were photos galore. I have one of the entire group with the quilt, but I'm not too sure about protocol for putting it up on my blog, so I guess I'll keep it for personal enjoyment. As a final bit of excitement, a representative from National Multicultural Radio came and interviewed the women. That will be aired in a couple of weeks. Let me know if you understand Arabic and I'll send you the details. We've been promised a link to the website and photo, so there's something there for the rest of us too.
When the guests had gone, the food was cleared and the kitchen tidied I expected it to be time to go home. Wrong! Up went the music which had been playing in the background; back went the chairs and it was time for dancing and clapping and generally celebrating some more. I was sorry I had to leave for an afternoon appointment.
Happily I've been asked to teach a sewing class at the Neighbourhood House on a Monday lunchtime, so I'll be crossing paths with the women regularly.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Launch Today
Today the quilt will be displayed in one of the community rooms where the launch will be held. Later it will be hung in the main foyer area where people move through to all of the Neighbourhood House rooms. Did I happen to mention how excited I am! It's still a couple of hours until I head off to the Neighbourhood House to help get things ready and the launch proper isn't until 12.00. I will take some slow steady breaths and relax my smile as I think about what's coming. One of the women who participated in the project is going to speak. The Mayor is coming, as is a photographer from the local paper. I'm thrilled that all those local community honours are to be paid to these women who expect so little in terms of public recognition and contribute so much in so many ways.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
For Sale
I'm sorry for the lack of appropriate links this week--blogger seems to be having some troubles in that department. You can find info about the Substation at www.thesubstation.org.au
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Not Quite
I went off from this central bit in both directions and have had some fun. It's rather 3-dimensional and will be hard to photograph, but hopefully I can show you a completed pic sometime soon.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Day Out
The exhibition itself was worth the trip: a few pieces I really liked and some good ideas to think about for my own development as an artist. Presenting textiles in a gallery context can be a real challenge. Here some were framed, some hung from a fabric sleeve from the ceiling and others presented in a glass box. Food for thought.
After some lunch, I drove out to the back beach--that's the ocean side of the penninsula. I'd forgotten how very good beach can be. The sound and smell of the waves and the taste of salt were life-giving. I had an hour or so on the sand--not between my toes, but at least under my feet. I kept my shoes on as it wasn't really warm despite the sun. I was fascinated by the waves: the splash of the foam and their steady advance up the beach as the tide came in.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
I'm Off
I've already put the dogs out and they're woofing away because I'm in the house and they're not, so this is just a quick post as I head out the door.
Monday, May 2, 2011
That was yesterday. Today I'm tired, but sure it was a good thing. I sold stuff! To be exact I sold 9 greeting cards, 9 brooches, 2 necklaces and 2 bookmarks. Selling things I've made makes me happy. This is A, one of the Art teachers at the Neighbourhood House. She bought one of my necklaces. She had to go home at lunch time to arrange some household stuff. When she came back, she'd tied up her hair and was wearing it.
As well as selling stuff, there was lots of interaction and a chance to talk about what the Neighbourhood House does. And I had my spinning wheel, so at least 50 grams of what would otherwise be boring plain white spinning got done while I was watching people and talking with people and generally having a good time. That's me happy. The next House market is in September, but before I went to bed I looked up some other market opportunities which had been on my "maybe" list for a while. They won't be quite as neighbourly as this one and they'll definitely be more expensive to participate in, but I'd like a chance to build on yesterday's success pretty soon.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Professional Development
After a fair bit of fiddling and a break for a cold drink, we arrived at this:
Now today is the day of the Neighbourhood House Market. So I need to pack my car with all the goodies I've been making and head off. We've been promised coffee and croissants with set-up, so there's an added incentive to be early.