
Monday, July 5, 2010

Cafe Knitting

I caught up with my friend M after spinning yesterday afternoon. I arrived at the cafe half an hour or so ahead of time and sat sipping my smoothie and knitting my scarf--a pleasant way to wind up a Sunday afternoon. When M arrived we ordered coffees and compared knitting progress. M is about to become a grandmother for the first time. She's been knitting up a lovely nest of cardigans and blankets for the little one. When she pulled out her latest effort I spied a cute, clever little gizmo. You know, I love gizmos.

It's a teeny tiny stitch holder: About the length of a teaspoon! It's like a miniature knitting needle with a springy strap and a little end cap to secure the stitches. It looked just perfect on a cream wool newborn sized cardi. M reckons she's had these at least thirty years and was surprised at my fascination. Oh, so cute and functional--there's nowhere for the stitches to get snagged and they're not going to fall off.

Well, we knitted a little, chatted a little, enjoyed our coffees and headed our separate ways home. But I took a picture of this clever cutie with me to share.


Dee said...

mmmm the coffee looks good too.

Chiara Z said...

Coffee was good--even had a smiley face in "latte art" on top:)