
Sunday, December 19, 2010


I have shelves--a whole wall of shelves! It took most of the day, but that part of the job is done: Working in the Studio not only protected me from the occasional showers, but meant I had easy access for measuring and adjusting as I went along. The biggest challenge was the corner shelf. You can see it in the far right of the pic. I'm glad to see how accurate it looks from this perspective, since it cost me a fair bit of effort. The reality is less precise, but I won't care about that once I load it up with boxes and bits. That's today's task, but first there's some cleaning up to do.

My friend L is dropping in this afternoon with some jewellery that needs repairs and adjustments. I'll see whether I'm up to doing that in the studio or back on the kitchen table. And I need to buy a Christmas tree and some trimmings. That sounds like quite enough for one day.


Knitspingirl said...

Your studio is looking WONDERFUL!!
Congrats on the shelving - I wouldn't even know how to start.

Chiara Z said...

Thanks--it all started some years ago with just one shelf for the kitchen and it's kinda grown from there, with some spectacular disasters and various successes along the way.

Ang Pang said...

Are you making the shelves yourself? I'm impressed :) I've discovered how well drawers work for storing craft in at below desk height too....

Chiara Z said...

I've got not much below desk height, since heavy weaving/spinning stuff tends to go there. And yep, I'm making the shelves--pine box shelves:)