I am a textile artist.
Z is part of my name.
Twist is what goes into everything I work with--metaphorically or physically.
Art is the result.
So come and see what happens along the way.
Australia Day picnic at the beach. Lots of red, white and blue: flags, tattoos, streamers . . . Fun and sun and despite our best efforts, a bit of sunburn.
Here are some other colours of Australia Day: . . . summer, tree bark shedding, with that incredible green showing through, and there was the sea behind. That's me happy!
i LOVE the Australia day pic of the children!! it is soooo Australian and one pic really does convey many words... let me try to say what it tells me: - little girl with cute aussie tat on cheek - wearing togs and singlet top - holding sunscreen? - little flag near her head - boy in mid-ground holding an esky or picnic port - girl in mid-ground wearing Aussie bandanna and flag - palm tree in back ground - old Queenslander house in background - arms reaching to girl - she is loved :) - kids on their way to celebrate all that is Australian. keep up the inspiring blogging
This is where I explore the possibilities and progress of my textile art--and various other random bits along the way. You can email me ztwist(at)tpg(dot)com (dot again)au
1 comment:
i LOVE the Australia day pic of the children!! it is soooo Australian and one pic really does convey many words... let me try to say what it tells me:
- little girl with cute aussie tat on cheek
- wearing togs and singlet top
- holding sunscreen?
- little flag near her head
- boy in mid-ground holding an esky or picnic port
- girl in mid-ground wearing Aussie bandanna and flag
- palm tree in back ground
- old Queenslander house in background
- arms reaching to girl - she is loved :)
- kids on their way to celebrate all that is Australian.
keep up the inspiring blogging
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