I might just have to put that up somewhere in my studio as a reminder. Keep it simple, sweetheart! Sometime less is more.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Keeping it Simple
I might just have to put that up somewhere in my studio as a reminder. Keep it simple, sweetheart! Sometime less is more.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Zip Zing
Anyway, the unpicking went smoothly. I was afraid of damaging the underlying fabric. That would have been another statement which I didn't want to make. And if I get the time, I might make myself a little bag to go with this outfit. Then the zip will have a purpose in life.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Pretty Good
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Picot Edge
. . . and the inevitable dog hair highlighted by my macro lens, oh well . . .
Monday, December 27, 2010
Testing, testing . . .
Getting the studio in order has gone past the quick and easy stage. I'm down to the vaguely labelled or just plain messy things from what has been my sewing room. I tried to do some sorting along the way, otherwise I'd just be transferring mess from one place to another. My quilting fabrics and silks are in reasonably good order, but there were various pieces of unidentified dress materials there too.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Assembly Required
As it turned out, putting together the Christmas baubles was one of the easier aspects of my day. A friend who was here for lunch and has only recently come out of hospital, found the pressure of the day all too much . . . even my quiet, no frills Christmas with his favourite goodies. He asked to be taken back to his unit just as I'd finished setting out the meal. Unfortunately when we got there, the staff had taken the few remaining clients out to lunch, and the gate was locked. So we walked around for more than an hour until someone arrived. What can I say? . . . humans are so much more complicated in the way they're put together and don't come with instruction sheets.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Peace on Earth

Friday, December 24, 2010
That Hat!
Any well trained textile artist will tell you that the secret to success is sampling. In this case that was impossible. 100 grams of core-spun merino-bunny-silk yarn with needle felted eyeballs is not available for sampling. Fortunately I'm not too well trained to just go for it sometimes. After winding off the yarn from the skein, I looked at a few of my huge crochet hooks. I decided to go with the 12 mm one. Winding off the yarn gave me some idea of how the features were distributed. There was a length at one end free of eyeballs. I started there to form the top of the hat. I worked down the side of the hat, shaping just a little and making sure that all the eyeballs ended up on the outside of the work.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Bead Candy
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Yarn Candy
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
All that Glitters
Monday, December 20, 2010
In Use
I spent the morning ferrying boxes to their new homes on the shelves I built on Saturday. In the afternoon my friend L came over. She had a few pieces of jewellery that needed attention. The beading stuff was already in the studio, so out we went.
Thankfully all the projects were small and relatively straightforward. Here are our results:
I deliberately didn't clear away the tools before I walked out the door. It's a celebration of the freedom the new space will give me. Of course I'll put them away this morning and organise a few more bits and pieces before I head out to do some shopping.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
My friend L is dropping in this afternoon with some jewellery that needs repairs and adjustments. I'll see whether I'm up to doing that in the studio or back on the kitchen table. And I need to buy a Christmas tree and some trimmings. That sounds like quite enough for one day.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Today's Materials
My parallel challenges are to make the living room livable and to leave some functional workspace somewhere so that I can be ready for Christmas. I must say it all feels a bit much at the moment. And it's raining, so I'm back to slippery clay between the house and the Studio. OK, maybe I'd better shift the sawbench and tools into the studio and let it be a woodwork room as well for the time being.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Christmas Time
I can't quite remember the circumstances in which I made this little crochet heart. I do remember it was Christmas time and I must have been in some sort of time bubble, because there are an awful lot of little stitches there.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Simple Things
The chairs are just the right height for spinning. And the straight back gives just a little support without getting in the way. The colour match is good too.
It's just as well some things in life are simple. This morning I've had to negotiate a court adjournment for a friend who is recovering from a recent admission to an acute mental health unit--somehow the staff thought it would be ok to send him to court alone in a taxi! And my email program is malfunctioning. So, it's good to focus on life's simple pleasures and on problems that can be solved with common sense and just a little application of force.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Out with the Old

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sewer Plan
Today my concern is with plumbing. Having succesfully negotiated the process of getting the shed/studio up, I'm ready to tackle the next stage. That involves moving my laundry from a corner of the bathroom to its own home in what is now my light-court. When I invited a plumber to give me a quote, he asked for the "sewer plan". This turns out to be a map showing the location of the drains of my property. For some unfathomable reason it seems to be missing in action. I've been conducting a bizarre treasure hunt through various government departments. If all else fails, it will come down to this:
Monday, December 13, 2010
Quick Post
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sporty Style
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
We're coming into the warm season, even in Melbourne, but the forecast today is for a cool 20. Most of my fibre tools and supplies are in a state of transition as I get my studio set up. The cardigan was sitting in a post-pack near my armchair. It felt good to be able to tackle it this morning.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I also managed to disassemble, move and reassemble my big desk. It caused me a fair bit of frustration when I first put it together. So It was a pleasant surprise to find it all went together smoothly.
Today I need to clean up the mess in the Studio left by the Installer-from-Hell. Then I'm hoping to tackle some of the shelving. At the moment I'm in that awkward space where I've packed and moved too many things to be able to do any creative work in the house, while the Studio is not set up enough to be useful yet. I'm not complaining, though. It still feels very exciting and I'm looking forward to my first projects in my new space.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
As the day took shape and the likelihood of making an impact on the Studio move faded, I decided to do at least one small thing in that direction:
Today hasn't started brilliantly. My new airconditioning unit arrived in a flurry of bad temper. The heating and cooling unit for the studio is very welcome. The installer less so. He came earlier than expected--before my first cup of coffee!--complained about my car in the driveway and the dogs who could have been locked up if he'd come at the agreed time, and then offered to "get rid of this", as he contemptuously referred to my favourite silver princess gum tree. He's now working to install the unit in a spot that is less than ideal, but it will have to do. I guess he didn't get his plumbing licence on the strength of his communication skills! He'll be gone in an hour or so and my "climate control" will remain, so I'll get over it. Meanwhile I'll get myself another coffee and take a few deep breaths. Then I hope to get things sorted a bit more for the move.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Funky Felt

Monday, December 6, 2010
Table Tale
As for tables, I managed to clear and move my Big Table with the help of some friends yesterday. Then I assembled the new table for the kitchen-living space. That's it in the pic. As I worked my way through twenty pages of enigmatic diagramatic instructions, I gave myself credit for keeping my brain supple and active. I'm hoping to live to a good old age and apparently mental tasks involving movement and three-dimensional orientation tend to protect brain function against various forms of dementia. I hope that's true.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Nearly There
Today's challenge is to take it slow and steady. My friend W has offered another couple of early Sunday morning hours to help me get things in place. I'm expecting her to call me any minute with her bright "ready to go" expression. It's too good an offer to refuse. L is coming after lunch to give me a hand. At the moment my brain is feeling rather slow after an unsettled night and a string of busy days. It's not coming up with an overall plan for the day, so I'm just going to pick a task and see how I go. I'm going to keep telling myself that I'm nearly there. Note to self: slow and steady is OK.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
After a Long Day
I left home at about 9.00am. I made my way step by step through the things I needed to do. I stopped for a snack and a coffee every few hours. Travelling around the city was hampered a little by rain showers and storms, but it was OK. I finally got home at about 10.00 pm. I was surprised that my dogs didn't greet me with their usual enthusiastic woofing. I walked down to my bedroom to let them in and put down my things only to find this:
Somehow I'd failed to close the pet-door properly in the morning. My dogs know how much I love them--I guess they assumed I'd considerately given them the option of sheltering from the storms in the comfort of my bed. There was no hiding the fact that they'd accepted my generous invitation. I'm struggling about whether to confess the next point, but what the heck! I didn't have it in me to deal with the mess before going to sleep, but I did grab my camera and snap a shot while I was thinking about it. I brushed down what I could, got into my PJ's, wrapped myself a clean sheet, and tried to go to sleep. Now the washing machine is chugging away and I'm posting the evidence of a long, long day. Today my calender is quite free, and it's just as well.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Remember When
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I spent most of the day painting my new studio. My friend C emailed me recently and referred to it as "the craft villa". I laughed. In the afternoon I went out to choose flooring. It seems that timber laminate will be cheaper and hardier than the vinyl I'd planned to use. Now I'm thinking of it as my "Studio Sofitel". The reality is that this is turning into a really lovely space for me to work and it's making me very happy.